繼九龍皇帝書法、香港的士後,我們選用了戲曲粵劇作為第三版香港限定 Scallywag 酒標主題。

繼九龍皇帝書法、香港的士後,我們選用了戲曲粵劇作為第三版香港限定 Scallywag 酒標主題。

粵劇是全中國約四百種地方戲曲之一,在廣東一帶盛行,以廣東話演唱。由於製作龐大,粵劇亦被稱為「大戲」。粵劇演員透過唱、唸、做、打,加上鑼鼓、旋律伴奏、化妝、服裝、道具及舞台的配合, 使粵劇成為大眾的文娛活動及酬神的藝術表演。早期社會, 粵劇一般在竹戲棚演出, 座無虛席時便稱為「爆棚」。


粵劇角色分為生、旦、淨、丑。(生、旦為男女主角,淨是剛強將軍角色,丑是小人奸角。) Scallywag 穿上將軍大靠戲服,戴上靠旗,在竹戲棚前化身威風的粵劇淨角,繼續為保育藝術,承傳文化而努力。

After Kowloon Emperor and Hong Kong Taxi, we have chosen Canton Xiqu as the inspiration of the label design of the third Scallywag Hong Kong exclusive edition .

Chinese Xiqus include approximately 400 local variations. The Guangdong Xiqu is a phylum that is popular in the Canton regions, which is performed in Cantonese. Owing to the elaborate staging and costume designs, Canton Xiqu has been nicknamed the "grand drama", which had been roughly translated as “Chinese Opera” for foreign viewers.

Singing and recitals are common expectations of Canton Xiqu, while some specialised roles incorporate choreographed action sequences into their performances. The elaborate outfits and makeups also allow audiences to quickly identify the roles and expected actions to be performed by characters. The kind considerations for the enjoyment of patrons resulted in Canton Xiqu's popularity, which resulted in the art form being recognized by UNESCO as a cultural heritage.

In the label, our lovely canine friend dons an armour that is worthy of a grand general, embellished with sharp war banners. He stands tall at stage to curate the development and protection of Canton Xiqu for Hong Kong.