The Epicurean Cocktail --- Gold Rush

The Epicurean Cocktail --- Gold Rush

在眾多雞尾酒酒譜中,若要選新手的第一杯調酒,非經典的Whisky Sour莫屬,而Gold Rush則是其變奏版。由紐約市Milk & Honey酒吧的酒保 T. J. Siegal在 2000 年代中期發明,以天然蜂蜜取替糖漿, 營造更優雅風味,更使這款雞尾酒具有簡單醣漿所缺乏的深度和豐富性。
就讓我們一起來認識一下這杯Gold Rush吧!

* The Epicurean 50 ml
* 檸檬汁 30 ml
* Barr Hill Raw Honey

這次調製Gold Rush的基底,我們選用了Douglas Laing Remarkable Regional Malt系列中的低地區(Lowland)威士忌:The Epicurean(大玩家)。
The Epicurean使用了低地產區的三間知名酒廠:Ailsa Bay、Glenkinchie、Auchentoshan來調和。
它秉承了Douglas Laing的一貫堅持——不添加焦糖色素,不經冷濾過濾,以天然風味完整呈現。其輕盈的口感和清澈乾淨的味道非常適合用以調製清新的Gold Rush。而它所具有的檸檬、柑橘清香和草本花香,更能和Gold Rush中所使用到的蜂蜜和檸檬汁巧妙融合,打造出更有層次感的風味和飽滿的口感。


Gold Rush

Among the many cocktail recipes, Whisky Sour may be the first drink for beginners, and Gold Rush is a modern take on the classic Whisky Sour using honey syrup instead.
Invented in the mid-2000s by bartender T. J. Siegal for the Milk & Honey bar in New York City, The honey gives this Gold Rush an elegant flavour, depth, and richness that simple syrup lacks.
The freshness and vitality of lemon, the delicateness of honey and the layering of whisky are perfectly combined. Its sweet-and-sour balanced flavour is sure to please anyone .
Let's get to know this modern classic.

*The Epicurean 50ml
* Lemon juice 30 ml
*Barr Hill Raw Honey

This time, we are using The Epicurean as the base for Gold Rush, which is a Lowland whisky from the Douglas Laing Remarkable Regional Malt series.
The Epicurean uses whiskies from three of the most well-known distilleries in Lowland region: Ailsa Bay, Glenkinchie and Auchentoshan to blend.
It adheres to Douglas Laing's constant persistence - no caramel coloring, no cold filtration, and entirely natural flavor. Its light and clean mouthfeel, lemon and citrus fragrance, and herbal and floral aroma are perfect for the making a refreshing Gold Rush.

Add all the ingredients to a Cocktail Shaker with ice, shake until very cold. Don’t have a cocktail shaker? Use a mason jar with a cover instead.
Strain the drink into an ISO cup, and garnish with a slice of tangerine or a lemon wedge.
The balance of sweet and sour flavors can be adjusted according to your own preference. Egg white foam can be added to introduce a firm texture. You can also put in a spoonful of red wine to add more fun to this mix.


By Librarian Kimi