The Whisky Library is opening a brand-new store at the ifc mall!

The Whisky Library is opening a brand-new store at the ifc mall!

The Whisky Library 全新 ifc mall 店開幕!

The Whisky Library 於香港成立超過十年,一直以來受到一眾烈酒愛好者和收藏家的支持。 我們著重烈酒的傳統工藝,專注於引入世界各地優質、珍罕的精品烈酒,尤以獨立裝瓶蘇格蘭威士忌為主。於 The Whisky Library 內的每一瓶酒,都是等待著被發掘的故事,準備帶領大家踏上一場獨一無二的味蕾與嗅覺的感官之旅,探索迷人的優質烈酒世界。

全新的 ifc mall 分店秉承我們對質量與細節的追求, 以「Transformation」為設計概念的骨幹,巧妙地使用兩個可移動的木製櫃檯,打破面積上的限制,為空間增添無限可能性,蘊釀不同的氛圍讓人沉浸其中,帶給大家不同的體驗享受。

我們摯誠邀請不論是資深的烈酒愛好者抑或剛剛開始認識烈酒的人們,來到 The Whisky Library ifc mall 全新分店,投入烈酒世界的懷抱。

The Whisky Library, a beloved name in the world of premium spirits for over a decade, is thrilled to unveil its latest standalone store at the ifc mall in Hong Kong.  As a renowned destination for spirits enthusiasts and collectors, we are dedicated to providing unparalleled experiences. Our unwavering commitment to quality and attention to detail is evident in every bottle we curate, and we take pride in featuring independently bottled Scotch whiskies that are a hallmark of our selection.

At our new location, we pay homage to the timeless artistry of whisky and fine spirits, firmly believing that each bottle in our collection holds a unique story, waiting to be uncovered and shared. Our brand-new ifc mall store is an ode to “Transformation”, featuring an innovative design that seamlessly integrates bar counter elements to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere that will tantalize your senses.

The store features two movable bar counters within 10 square meters that can rotate on axis and interact with each other to enhance the ambiance and create endless possibilities. Whether you're seeking a comfortable open space to shop spirits or an immersive tasting experience, this new store of The Whisky Library is a marvel of flexibility, transforming the space to elevate your enjoyment of our collection.

We extend a warm invitation to both seasoned spirits aficionados and those who are just beginning to explore fine spirits to visit The Whisky Library’s new location and discover the captivating world of fine spirits.


Shop Information

Location: Shop 2034, Podium Level 2, ifc mall, 1 Harbour View Street, Central

Business Hours: 11am - 8pm

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