網店雙重優惠:現凡於9月1 - 30 日購物滿港幣$1000,並於結帳時選擇到店自取,即附送 Douglas Laing 帆布袋一個;消費滿港幣$2000,更可獲贈 Douglas Laing 聞香杯一對,數量有限,送完即止。
如有任何查詢,請 WhatsApp 9015-0939 聯絡我們。
Online shop double reward:
During 1-30 SEP, for any online, pick-up-at-store orders that are over HK$1000 in values, you will be rewarded with a Douglas Laing canvas bag.
For any online spendings that are over HK$2000 in values, you will get the Douglas Lain canvas bag AND a pair of Douglas Laing nosing glass as gifts, sent together with your order! The gifts are of limited stock, so place your orders while they last!
For any enquiry, please contact us at WhatsApp 9015-0939.
