Port Dundas 17 Year PX (Hong Kong Exclusive)

Port Dundas 17 Year PX (Hong Kong Exclusive)

承接我們上年 Old Particular 包桶主題 — Beautiful Creatures,今次的酒標設計以充滿神秘感的貓頭鷹為主角,為大家帶來這桶與別不同的 Port Dundas 17y。

Port Dundas 於1811年成立,建於 Glasgow 的最高點,它在往後的百多年裡經歷了數次的大火、重建及擴建,曾經成為全蘇格蘭最大的蒸餾廠。直至2011年,很可惜地 Diageo 決定終止 Port Dundas 的運作,更把整座蒸餾廠拆卸,為其二百年的歷史寫上句號。

我們有幸找到這桶於 PX sherry cask 陳年17年的 Port Dundas,漂亮的琥珀色酒液,散發著甜美的爆谷與新鮮蘋果汁香氣;PX sherry cask 帶來的果香令它入口甜而不膩;餘韻悠長而溫柔;原酒強度帶給我們的是活力而非強烈的酒精感。

Discontinued distillery 的珍貴在於它的不復再,而威士忌就像時間匣子,把蒸餾廠的歷史在酒杯中以各種香氣與味道呈現。

Port Dundas 17y Hong Kong Exclusive 已於網上商店及各分店有售,歡迎 DM 或 WhatsApp 9015-0939 查詢。

Continuing in the theme “Beautiful Creatures” of our previous Old Particular private casks, this is a 17yo Port Dundas which features a mysterious owl as our label mascot.

Port Dundas Distillery was established in 1811. Built at the highest altitude of Glasgow, it has experienced multiple fires, rebuilds, and extensions, and was the largest distillery in Scotland. Regrettably, Diageo Group decided to terminate and had fully dismantled the distillery in 2011, ending the 200 years run of Port Dundas Distillery.

We are very grateful that we have located this PX sherry cask of a 17 years old Port Dundas, which has a lustrous amber body loaded with sweet popcorn and apple scents. The PX sherry cask enriched the spirit with sweet fruit fragrances that has a long lasting and gentle aftertaste. The high proof spirit itself is lively yet not acerbic to taste.

This gem is a time capsule that has captured the unique history of Port Dundas Distillery. It is now available in both of our online and physical stores. You are much welcomed to DM and WhatsApp (9015-0939) for further details.

【Port Dundas PX (HK) 17 Year / 2005 / 70cl 53.9% / Old Particular / Douglas Laing】