Ardnahoe - A Rising Star from Islay!

Ardnahoe - A Rising Star from Islay!

艾雷島新貴 Ardnahoe Distillery 首款威士忌 -- Ardnahoe Inaugural Release

Ardnahoe Distillery 是艾雷島上第十間蒸餾廠(連已停產的 Port Ellen在內),由獨立裝瓶商 Hunter Laing 於2019年創立,經過漫長等待,Ardnahoe 的第一款威士忌於2024年終於面世。

這款威士忌在波本桶(Bourbon Cask)和 Oloroso 雪莉桶中陳釀,裝瓶時不使用人工色素及冷凝過濾,以保留其自然風味與特色。

Ardnahoe 所使用的大麥源自艾雷島南岸的 Port Ellen Maltings,苯酚含量為40 ppm。用水取自艾雷島上的 Loch Ardnahoe,賦予其威士忌獨特的泥煤煙燻個性及純淨口感。

酒廠配備了一對銅製壺式蒸餾器,更擁有蘇格蘭最長的林恩臂(Lyne Arm),長達7.5米。這令蒸氣與銅接觸的時間更長,有助於形成更複雜細膩的風味;另外,他們亦採用了傳統的蟲桶冷凝器,是艾雷島上唯一使用此種冷凝器的酒廠。這種冷凝器能賦予威士忌更獨特、複雜的風味。

• 聞香:呈現出典型的艾雷島泥煤煙燻香氣,伴隨著水果蛋糕、蜜餞蘋果和黑櫻桃的香氣。還有類似奶油凍的甜美氣息、濃郁的麥芽香,以及隱約的檸檬皮、香草和橡木氣息。

• 口感:入口有如吉士醬濃郁的質地,搭配著生薑和檸檬皮的清新感。細細品味,還能感受到烤蘋果的味道。整體口感豐富且平衡,雖酒精濃度為50%,但並不會過於強烈。

• 餘韻:餘韻悠長,泥煤煙燻味持久,展現出艾雷島威士忌的典型特色。

儘管是一家相對較新的酒廠,但 Ardnahoe 已在威士忌行業中獲得認可。其威士忌在國際威士忌比賽中多次獲獎,這證明了其品質和釀酒師的精湛技藝。

總括來說,Ardnahoe Distillery是蘇格蘭威士忌行業的一顆新星。它將傳統的威士忌釀造技術與現代創新相結合,生產出深受全球威士忌愛好者喜愛的威士忌。

Ardnahoe Inaugural Release is the first whisky released from Ardnahoe Distillery, which was established by Hunter Laing in 2019, marking a significant milestone as the first whisky from the tenth (including Port Ellen) and newest distillery on the Isle of Islay.

The whisky is aged in bourbon and oloroso sherry casks. It is bottled without the use of artificial coloring or chill filtration, which helps to retain its natural flavors and characteristics.

The barley is sourced from Port Ellen Maltings on the south coast of Islay, with a phenol content of 40 ppm. The water comes from Loch Ardnahoe on Islay, which imparts the whisky with its unique peaty smokiness and a pure taste.

The distillery is equipped with a pair of copper pot stills, featuring the longest Lyne arms in Scotland, measuring 7.5 meters. This allows the vapors more time to pass through, contributing to a more complex flavor profile.

It uses a traditional worm tub condenser, the only one of its kind on Islay. This type of condenser helps to retain certain components in the spirit, giving the whisky its distinctive flavor.

Nose: It presents the typical Islay peat smoke aroma, accompanied by scents of fruit cake, candied apples, and dark cherries. There is also a sweetness like custard, a rich malt aroma, and subtle hints of lemon peel, vanilla, and oak.

Palate: On the palate, it offers a custard-like texture, combined with the freshness of ginger and lemon peel. Upon closer tasting, the flavor of baked apples comes through. The overall taste is rich and well-balanced, and despite the 50% ABV, it is not overly strong.

Finish: The finish is long and dominated by a persistent smokiness, which is a characteristic feature of Islay whiskies.

Despite being a relatively new distillery, Ardnahoe has already received recognition in the whisky industry. Its whiskies have won several awards in international whisky competitions, which proves its quality and the craftsmanship of its distillers.

In summary, Ardnahoe Distillery is a rising star in the Scottish whisky industry. It combines traditional whisky-making techniques with modern innovation, producing whiskies that are loved by whisky enthusiasts around the world.

By Librarian Eric.