【Whisky Tasting x Christmas Wreath Making】
我們誠邀大家, 一起在百年古蹟「畢打行」裡的The Whisky Library, 一邊品飲Librarian 精心挑選的美酒, 一邊和My Floral Letter編織自己專屬的聖誕花圈。
My Floral Letter 將採用綠意盎然的松葉、柏枝、乾燥花果, 帶領你輕鬆完成15cm迷你花圈, 而The Whisky Library 的Librarian將帶領大家品飲Fortified Wine貴婦酒, 以及兩款蘇格蘭威士忌, 並講解蘇格蘭威士忌不同產區的獨特風味, 以及每款威士忌背後引人入勝的故事。
名額非常有限, 把握報名機會, 和我們共渡一個愜意的冬日下午。
Date & Time: 15th, Dec 2024, 15:00
Venue: The Whisky Library, Pedder Arcade, 5/F, Pedder Building, Central
Price: $ 550 per person, $1000 per party of 2, including 3 drams of whiskies, and your own Xmas Wreath
Join us for a leisurely festive Christmas afternoon at the historic site, a century-old heritage landmark - Pedder Building. This event will be hosted at The Whisky Library, where European elegance meets contemporary sophistication.
Our Librarian will savor the exquisite selection of beverages, while hand-crafting your personalized Christmas wreaths under the guidance of My Floral Letter.
My Floral Letter will guide you through the journey of crafting a 15cm mini wreath using vibrant pine leaves, cypress branches, and dried flowers and fruits, personalizing your own festive ambiance.
The Whisky Library’s Librarian will guide you through the tasting session of Fortified Wine and two exceptional Scotch whiskies, delving into the distinct characteristics of vary Scotch whisky regions and the captivating stories behind each selected whisky.
Limited seats available. Seize your opportunity with us for this delightful and warmth winter afternoon.
