Clynelish 27年香港獨家

Clynelish 27年香港獨家


The Whisky Library為大家帶來最新 Old & Rare 系列私家包桶 Clynelish 27y!

Clynelish Distillery 的歷史與令收藏家趨之若鶩的 Brora Distillery 一脈相連,它在近年成為威迷的新寵兒,但官方裝瓶的作品卻少之又少,而獨立裝瓶的作品亦甚少公開酒廠名字,今次我們的這個私家包桶實在得來不易。

我們精心挑選的這桶 Clynelish 27y,酒色橘金,散發著幽幽的、低調的花香;絲滑的酒體在口中爆發出 Clynelish singnature 的蠟感,隨之而來是香水般清幽高雅的熱帶水果香,在口腔中縈繞不散,宛於一首優美而高潮迭起的交響曲,令人陶醉。

這不能錯過的一瓶,限量 140 枝,一如我們以往的Old & Rare包桶,酒標上同樣有著一對 「龍鳳呈詳」。

Companion is regarded as the go-to reference for whisky lovers around the world.

Our private cask bottled by Hunter Laing, Old and Rare series Clynelish 27y has finally arrived!

Clynelish Distillery has a history that is appreciated by whisky collectors, as the former is considered in tandem with the legendary Brora Distillery. Clynelish Distillery has been the new found focus of whisky lovers around the world. However, its official bottling has been rare, and her independent bottles hardly ever bore her name.

This time, Hunter Laing has bottled this Clynelish 27y for us, which has a golden orange body with a subtle floral fragrance. The smooth body features Clynelish's signature waxiness, which is followed by a passion fruit scented aftertaste.

Limited at 140 bottles, The Whisky Library's Clynelish 27 y is considered as a bottle you should not miss.