The Whisky Library 托特包

The Whisky Library 托特包


The Whisky Library 中環置地廣場店及 ifc mall 店會率先以帆布袋取代購物紙袋^,減少紙品的消耗;為鼓勵大家多多重用 The Whisky Library Tote Bag,凡到店單筆消費滿HK$450並自備購物袋,即可獲得HK$20優惠(每人每日限兌換優惠一次)。


Protecting nature is never an easy endeavor, as it is a feat that cannot be achieved by just a wishful few. We hope that you can take on the important challenge with us.

Two of The Whisky Library branches in Central: Landmark Atrium and ifc mall, will take charge in replacing paper shopping bags with The Whisky Library canvas tote bags^.  To encourage your participation, BYOB customers who spend HK$450 or up in one transaction will receive a HK$20 discount as a token of our heartfelt appreciation. (The incentive offer is only valid once per person per day).

Whisky is a gift from nature and now it is time we give back in what little ways we can. Let’s all do something good for the environment!


^Please refer to the in-store Terms and Conditions for details.